Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Video Retrospective

Everyone else is doing it, so thought we'd jump right in.

Instead of giving you a "best of Pralex edits in 2010", this will be a list of all of our edits in 2010. For one reason or another, Alex and I have been a lot more quiet on the self made video edit scene this past year. Whether that will change in 2011, only time will tell.

Personally, I really liked how 2010 went down for me in terms of my edits. While I only have a tiny handful (two videos), I feel they really represent me and my riding at the times they were produced.

The first edit I dropped was an edit I made entirely from me riding in my old parking lot the last time before I moved. I have gone back and revisited the parking lot once, and I can fully agree with Alex and Bo Wade, that it is in fact, a really really terrible riding spot haha. For years I went there multiple times a day to ride and hang out by myself though, and it truly felt like 'my spot'. To me, this marks an end of an era for me.

Prasheel Gopal: May 28, 2010 from Pralex Gorier on Vimeo.

About 6 weeks later, Alex finally dropped a short clip, with him almost (lol) landing a line with a new switch he had been working on for a while. It just shows Alex, and his home spot, almost successful on something he worked towards for a while. Fun tune and a shining sun really make me miss summer while watching this too.

Gruesome bike slam to fall. from Pralex Gorier on Vimeo.

Lastly, about 2 months ago, Pralex officially welcomed Mark Kuhlmann to the team, and to do it right, Beefy and I both collected some footage over later summer and fall, and Alex did up an edit with the two of us. This video reminds me of going out and riding in cool fall nights, knowing that for every day we pass up for riding, we're one day closer to the unrideable season of winter.

Prasheel Gopal & Mark "Beefy" Kuhlmann from Pralex Gorier on Vimeo.

We hope everyone had a great 2010, and we wish you all the best, on and off the bike, for 2011. Cheers.

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