Hey all. I just wanted to use this space to reminisce on some memories, and wish my buddy Alex a happy anniversary. One year ago today, he and I traveled together to Cleveland for the Northcoast Flatland Battle, which was our first road trip together. It wasn't until this trip (which also included flying down to New Orleans for the infamous Flatland Voodoo Jam) that Alex and I became friends, and not just riding buddies. It was also the first time Alex won first place at a contest, and also the first time he and I both had spots on the podium (I managed to take third).
To commemorate this, we took a trip up to North Bay for a few days, which also marks the end of an era in our current tour bus, as we are getting a new vehicle next weekend. The North Bay police disagreed slightly with the charm of our current ride, which makes me even more grateful to the Poirier family for donating our next vehicle to us. I should have it in about a week and will try to get photos up soon there after.
Upon returning to Ottawa, Al and I sessioned downtown yesterday. A group of street riders from Oshawa noticed us and came over and watched for a couple minutes, but got booted by bicycle police. Something that was rather unusual, though, was that although they kicked the street riders out, they commented that we were allowed to stay, and stay we did. Al and I worked on some new tricks on a not so good spot, and here are a couple quick photos.
Just got back from a two day trip to North Bay to visit some girlies and take in the wilderness. It's ridiculously gorgeous up there (not mad at the girls either). It was about a 4 hour drive, and we didn't get much riding in, but we met up with a ton of young street riders (like fifteen/sixteen) and showed them some flatland moves and they were all really digging it. So hopefully when we go back there will be a booming flatland scene there, haha. Might post some photos up later that the girls took, but I didn't bother taking any since the girls were snapping shots left, right and centre.
Pralex is back up on the grind in Ottawa, riding hard and prepping for the video. Prasheel is leaving next month for two weeks to do shows in Winnipeg, so Alex will hold down the HQ with Andrew and Dylan. Stay tuned...
So a little delayed, but I'm finally gotten around to updating the blog. First off, Alex and I went to Toronto to help out for the trailer and poster shoot for the International Bicycle Film Festival. The shoots were being done by Marco Mucig from Italy, and Benny Zenga from Toronto. It took place over a 3 day span, which ended up being pretty long days. The organization left a little to be desired, as we didn't really know our schedule in advance, and ended up shooting to about midnight each day. All in all, it was a really fun and interesting experience to take part in, and I'm excited to see how it all comes together. It should apparently be up in a week or two, and will be seen in 39 countries! Oh yeah, you won't actually be able to recognize Alex or I, as we were dressed in giant cardboard letters...you'll understand more when you see it.
When shooting in Toronto, Alex and our photographer (and newest rider) Dylan Leeder witnessed a fight mid-day. Like the nice guy he is, Dylan jumped in to help break it up. Here's a message he sent me about the incident.
"Prasheeeeel! So the story goes,,,
Me and Alex were biking down the street carrying large letters. I believe I had a C.
So we were riding and this 60 year old dude pulled into the bike lane and cut off a 25 year old bike courier (without signaling) and the 25 year old started yelling at the guy... so they fought verbally for a bit with the 25 year old taking the old mans picture.
Than the 60 year old dude climbed over the passenger seat with his wife screaming and crying "Why are you doing this!? STOP! Your mom's here!"... so infront of his wife and mother (on mothers day) the old man went and swung at the 25 year old.
So i dropped my bike/letter and continued to grab the young guy back from the 60 year old. While the 60 year old kept trying to get punches... so the 25 year old swung at him and pushed him down... and then it continued a bit longer...
Uhmm... so they just kept trying to fight while more and more people crowded around and stuff...
so finally the 60 year old, the wife, and the mother got in the car and drove away... with the 60 year olds pride ruined hahah what a maniac.
And I hurt my finger somehow in it all.
Also, we found out that the 60 year old got pulled over because the other guy took pictures of his face/license plate. And he got charged with assault/reckless driving/and maybe something else"
As you may know, Alex and I have been filming in hopes of trying to release a half decent web-edit. This past weekend, we witnessed the epicness of the footage Dylan's new camera is going to be able to take, so we're scrapping our old footage/tricks, and are hoping to get new stuff in muuuch better quality. Alex and I both edited the footage up, and you can find the edits below. Alex's is first, then mine, and I suggest you watch them in that order, as to not be disappointed in Alex's version.
As of recent, Alex and I have both been picked up by Byke Project and are very excited to help represent them/Hector Garcia. Byke Project is a non-profit organization that donates and fixes bikes in low-income areas. We should be shooting a little commercial/promo next weekend to test out the new camera we're working with. www.bykeproject.com
Pralex business cards are now in. Please feel free to contact us for any flatland entertainment needs.
Lastly, we are off to Brockville tomorrow, as we are doing a small show at a stag and doe. Maybe expect some photos or videos, not sure yet. Hopefully there's a decent spot!
Pralex picked up the latest issue of BMX Plus and found some photos of Alex and Prasheel (Parshell) in it! Pretty darn cool! Super stoked on getting that coverage with a nice little article too! A lot of flatland in the June issue! Make sure to check it out!
Prasheel apparently might have a photo in the 'La Droit' newspaper, but we couldn't find a copy of it anywhere, haha, but cool nonetheless!
Pralex is going to Toronto this weekend, Friday we are doing a photoshoot with Benny Zenga for the poster for the Bicycle Film Festival in Toronto. Saturday and Sunday we are doing a video shoot with him for the trailer for the Bicycle Film Festival in Toronto! Should be pretty cool! Check out more info HERE and notice a video on the bottom right of Matthias and Ucchie! Super cool!
The weekend after you can find Pralex in Prescott, Ontario doing a show at a stag & doe! That'll be fun!
If you were to lazy to go visit the BFF site, check out the trailer from last year below, super cool and super excited to see what Benny Zenga puts together for this years!